Pangaea Life Capital Ventures: Joint Investment Manager
- Unternehmen
Pangaea Life Enters New World: Empira and die Bayerische establish Joint Investment Manager
Creating return on investment while prioritizing consistent sustainability - all supported by transparent tangible asset investments - is the philosophy for which Pangaea Life is known within the German insurance industry as one of the greatest success stories in recent years.
By establishing of Pangaea Life Capital Partners AG, a joint venture between die Bayerische and Empira AG, a new actor enters the stage of global investment management, hereby unlocking the solid Pangaea Life funds to an expanded investor base beyond the insurance sector and ensuring the ambitious growth plans of the venture.
The partnership strengthens the establishment of Pangaea Life Capital Partners, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. Both companies are combining their expertise in the landscape of sustainable tangible assets, real estate, and institutional investments. The role of CEO is filled by Michael Haupt, an industry veteran who brings 30 years of experience in managing financial and real estate companies to the joint venture.